Brewing a delicious cup of coffee at home may not be as difficult as you think. There are 3 stages to becoming like the guru who prepares your perfect cup at your favorite coffee shop.

Becoming a barista at entry level: 

Taking part in knowledge classes (Home-brewing & Roasting for sweetness class) will empower you with the necessary manual brewing skills, sensory, aroma, and tasting skills to help to kick-start your journey. The process is both affordable and less time consuming (2hrs), followed by regular practice that will earn you the title.

Barista at junior level:

At this point, you will have a decent palate among other attributes to be a good junior. Ability to taste the coffee and adjust brewing recipes as required. The ability to focus on making great drinks with haste and the capacity to spend hours on their feet without showing exertion. With this level of qualification

Barista at professional level:

Observe your favorite baristas in  action could have positive, far-reaching, and practical benefits to your life. Love for coffee, work ethic & attention, communication and professionalism may not be unique to baristas, but they do help us make better coffee!

Interested in becoming a barista, drop us an email: